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The big fire教学设计

来源:本站原创  发布人:郑霞  发布时间:2023-06-19  浏览次数:

The big fire教学设计

武进区李公朴小学 郑霞


本书选自《黑布林英语阅读小学a3The Big Fire。讲述的是在茂密的丛林里生活着各种各样的动物,在面对丛林里突然燃起的大火时,一些动物齐心协力,扑灭大火,拯救家园的故事。突出了“人与自然——自然生态”的主题。

1[What] 主题意义和主要内容


2[Why] 写作意图

作者通过讲述动物们灭火的三次历程,引发读者思考:面对困难时,我们要像文中的小鸟一样Try our best,像火烈鸟一样Ask for help,像所有最后一起救火的小动物们一样Work together

3[How] 文体结构和语言修辞


绘本通过相关配图和文本语境及故事中动物们生动的表情动作,让学生深刻地体会绘本中动物们happy, scared, alone, sad等情绪的变化。



本课的教学对象是年级学生,他们已学习了一些动物类单词,如birdfrogbutterfly等。备课前通过与学生交流,了解到他们对动物很感兴趣,乐于学习动物类英语单词;他们会用happysad等单词表达自己的内心感受。此外,学生已掌握There be ...句型。可见,学生已初步具备了学习该绘本的知识基础。但绘本阅读不只是复习巩固课内知识,还肩负着补充课外知识,拓宽学生视野,增加学生词汇量的使命。此外,学生还应从绘本中获得某些启示。基于学情,将结合图片,引导学生认识一些动物单词,如flamingomonkeygiraffeleopard;体会一种新情感scared;养成一种新态度Never give up年级学生对绘本故事很感兴趣、善于模仿,能够在教师的引导下积极进行图片观察、预测情节、角色扮演等课堂活动。


1. 能根据绘本图片,掌握丛林动物flamingotwo birdselephant等动物的名称和外形特点;

2. 能通过自主阅读和教师引导理解文本主要情节和脉络

3. 体会动物们面对困难时和解决困难后的情绪变化

4. 能通过疑问词,快速定位文本信息;能借助思维导图梳理信息;

5. 能用批判性思维分析动物们的行为和品质;能理解绘本所表达的深刻主题,团结就是力量;培养保护家园、爱护地球的情感价值







1.黑布林英语阅读小学a3The Big Fire阅读材料;

2. PPT课件动物词卡板书材料等




Step 1 Lead-in








Step 2 Cover reading












Step 3 While-reading






























































Step 4 Post-reading

1. Enjoy a video: Walking in the jungle.

T: Just now, we watched a video, what can you hear in the video?

S: Monkey, frog, ...

T: Where are they?

S: They are in the jungle.

2. What is a jungle? Watch a short video.

T: So in the jungle, it is very hot.  There are a lot of plants in the jungle. So it often has fire in the jungle.

1. What can you see on the cover?

What do you want to know about the story? Try to ask some questions with What... Will... Can ... Who...

S1: Will the animals run away?

S2: Can they stop the fire?

S3: Who can stop the fire?

2. Scan the pictures and answer the questions.

3. But how? How do they stop the fire? Lets read for some details.


The sky is orange. Why is the sky orange?

  There is a fire.

How are the animals now?

S: They are afraid.

T: Yes, they are scared. Listenwhat do they say?

Whats that? Wow, its big! 模仿朗读,体会故事人物害怕的心理。

T: They are scared of the fire. Will they fly away? Why?

(2) P2

They dont fly away. What do they do?

The blue bird ...   The white bird ...

Lets listen: Oh, no! Its a fire! Lets get water.

How do you feel about the blue bird?

S: Its calm, brave.

Im scared. T: Why is she scared?

(观察图片)S: She has babies. She wants to protect them.

T: The blue bird wants to get water. But how? How to get water? Lets listen: His beak is full of water. Water to stop the fire.

What is the beak? Tip1: Pictures can help you with new words.

(3) P3

T: Can the blue bird stop the fire alone? Why?

(先自己说,再呈现)Tip2: Words can tell you.

“But the fire is very big and the little blue bird is very small.

There is not enough water in his beak.”

T: So what can he do now?

S: He can ...

T: Will he ask the white bird for help? Listen: Help me, come!(模仿) Will the white bird help? Why?


Listen:  I cant. Im ...

Question: If you were the birds, what can you do? A: Fly away  B: Make another plan

(4) P4

Now flamingo is here. The blue bird is ... happy

What does he say? Flamingo, can you help me, please?

Question: Does the flamingo help them? Why?

Tip2: We need help people in danger. 要帮助深处危险的人。

T: The flamingo is alone. Does the flamingo help them? Listen: Im sorry I cant...

Question: Is the flamingo right? Why?

Tip3:  When we are in danger, we should keep ourselves safe first!  当我们在危险中时,应先保证自身安全!


The flamingo fly away. Now the birds are ...

S: Sad.

T: Then what happens?

Flamingos are here. Now they are happy again. What do they say?(先猜测再听取绘本中的答案,比对两者的差异。)

Look, all the ... Hooray!”(模仿)

How do they stop the fire? Can you find the answers from the picture?

S: They have water in their ______ to stop the fire.

T: Can they stop the fire? Why?

(水太少,not enough water.Listen:  But the fire is very big. And ...

T: Now the birds are ...   S: Sad.

T: They say...   S: No, please! Dont fly away.

Question: If you were the blue bird, what can you do?

A. Give up.      B. Insist (He can fly away and ask for help.)


Let's have a look. What happens?

Flamingos call the __________ here.

How do the elephants stop the fire?  Trunks

Do the elephants do it alone?
S: No. They do it together.

T: What can you say now?  Union is strength. 团结就是力量。

Question: Why do flamingos ask the elephants for help?

Choose the right ones.选择对的人。


1.Try to retell according to the blackboard design.

 Try to act in groups. 6 students in a group.

2.Retell together: How do they stop the fire?

3.Give a new name to the story

4. Which animal do you like best? Why?

5. Think and talk: 在生活中我们也会遇到困难,这时我们如何去解决?

When I ... I ...









































































1. 1. Share the story with your friends and family.

2. Share your experience about dealing with your trouble with your friends.










