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U8 How are you?

来源:本站原创  发布人:王颖  发布时间:2023-06-19  浏览次数:

4B Unit 8 How are you?


How are you? 第一课时Story time







1)文本主题和内容分析:教材语篇以打电话询问健康为主题,呈现了Yang Ling生病在家并两次与Miss Li通电话的情景。文本左半部分是Yang Ling上午打电话给Miss Li的一组对话,她告知老师自己生病了并请假在家休息;右半部分是Miss Li下午打电话给Yang Ling询问病情的对话。

2)文本组织形式分析:教材语篇以对话的形式呈现了“问候介绍—说明原因—礼貌道别”电话请假和询问病情的三步骤,具体涉及疾病类主题词汇以及电话用语和关心他人健康状况的句型,凸显了关心他人健康的主题意义。英文绘本“No School Today”以故事叙述和人物对话相结合的形式,按照故事的发生、发展和结局顺序展开,具体包括疾病症状、暖心关爱、电话请假等相关主题词句。



学习期待(what they want to know):作为第课时的课文教学版块,要基于单元主题意义,立足教材,对story time内容进行新授探究;还要用足教材,围绕story time学生能通过阅读语篇和观察图片,梳理如何打电话询问他人身体状况。涉及到信息的检索、提取和归纳等,并能在教师的帮助下感知文本的主题意义。



学生能认读和掌握常见的疾病类词汇,理解并熟练使用打电话用语;能正确使用:This is  speaking. May I speak to ?  How are you? I'm fineThank you./Not so good. See you tomorrow. See you.  等句型询问他人身体状况;能正确和有韵律地诵读儿歌;能正确读出字母0的音素音并能进行单词的拼读。



( 1 )在听、看、读的活动中,获取、梳理教材文本中关于Yang Ling的病情和Miss Li关心Yang Ling的事实性信息以及绘本中Tom父母关心Tom的相关信息;(学习理解)(2)在听、读活动中,获取、梳理教材和绘本中的日常电话用语;(学习理解)


(4)借助“问候介绍—说明原因—礼貌道别”这一结构,和Yang Ling进行模拟通话表演,询问和关心他们的健康状况。(迁移创新)




1. 通过本课的学习,学生理解课文内容,能初步掌握目标单词、功能句型及用一般过去时和一般现在时两种时态。

2. 通过问题的引导,在自主阅读的过程中,培养学生主要收集信息、获取信息、判断信息是否合理的能力。 

3. 通过对话交流、同桌探讨能学会如何用英语打电话。




1.通过看动画填空、对话表演等方式,能够在情境中正确理解并运用本课核心单词及句型:may, come to school, cold, fever, hear, at school  This isspeaking. May I speak to? How are you now? Im fine, Thank you. Im sorry to hear that.






Step 1

Pre- reading
















Step 2 While-


























Before the lesson, enjoy the song How are you?

1. Greetings.

2. Lets say

Hello, hello, hello, how are you?

If someone is not so good. What else can we ask?



1. Watch and answer

Whats the matter with Yang Ling? Lets watch the cartoon, and find the answer.

Teach the new words:cold, fever

We have learned the word:cold. For example, I am cold. Does cold have the same meaning?

Tips: So, according to the context and the pictures, we can get the meaning.

 Can she come to school now?

2. Listen and answer

What can she do?

She can make a call to ask for leave.

Now,lets listen and answer:

How do they make a call?





Tips: When we introduce ourselves on the phone, we should use...

When we introduce ourselves face to face, we can use ...




Before the lesson, sing and act

1. Greetings

2. Im good.

  Im great.

  Im wonderful.

 Im tired.

   Im hungry.

  Im not so good.



Whats the matter?






Watch the cartoon and answer:

I have a cold and a fever.









No, it means 感冒







No, she cant.



Make a call

Stay at home



Listen to the tape:

Hello, this is Yang Ling speaking. May I speak to Miss Li?


Hello, Yang Ling. This is Miss Li.





This is...



 I am...


与主题相关的这首歌曲中有很多表达感受的词,课前让学生感受并跟唱,活跃课前氛围, 引入本课的重点。


教师和学生利用课前的热身歌曲进行互动,复习How are you?及回答Im...












在听、看、读的活动中,获取、梳理教材文本中关于Yang Ling的病情

学生通过观看课文动画并回答问题Can Yang Ling go to school today? Why?”,获取Yang Ling的病情信息,深入学习词汇a colda fever,并借助教师提供的对比图片,了解a coldcold的区别以及a fever的意义。



















3. Read and underline

Does Miss Li care about Yang Ling?

How does Miss Li care about her?

Can you find any sentences?

Teach the new words: hear, take care






Tips: When we hear some bad news, we can use...to care about others.


4.Listen and repeat

Pay attention to the tone.

5.Think and say

What do you think of Miss Li

Miss Li is a kind teacher, she cares about her students. So, care is some warm words.

6. Care with warm words

(1)Care about what she needs

You can...


Would you like...?

(2) Care about what she likes

Care is staying with you.

Yang Ling: Im fine. Thank you.

Next day, Miss Li calls Yang Ling to care about her.

Care is...

7. Think and say

What will they say on the phone?

Miss Li: Hello, __________.

Yang Ling: Hello, Miss Li. _________________

Miss Li: ______________

Yang Ling: I’m fine, thank you.

Can she come to school tomorrow?

What will they say at the end of the call?

Teach: See you tomorrow.

Tips: 打电话告别时,我们可以说: “See you. / Goodbye. / Bye-bye.”等,都表示“再见”。

8. Listen and repeat

9. Read together

When you read, please pay attention to the changes of Yang Lings feelings and the reading tones.

10. Read in roles

11. Act in roles

12.Lets learn

Care can be a little thing, but it really makes us quite warm.


Try our best to care about people you love!


Scan the story

Underline the sentences:

Whats the matter?

Im sorry to hear that.

Take care.









Whats the matter?

Im sorry to hear that.

Take care.


Read the first dialogue after the tape.


Good, kind...


Yang Ling, you can go to the hospital.

Yang Ling, would you like some warm water?

Ynag Ling, you can take some pills.

Yang Ling, you can go to the hospital.




Care is a telephone call.




This is Miss Li speaking.

This is Yang Ling.

How are you now?


Yes, she can.



See you./...



Read the second dialogue after the tape.


Read the whole dialogue after the tape.




Work in pairs


在获取、梳理左半面Yang Ling上午向Miss Li电话请假的相关信息后,教师设计了“Does Miss Li care about her?”和“How does Miss Li care about her?”这两个问题,引导学生紧扣care一词,聚焦文本细节,学习Miss LiYang Ling关切的话语,并分析这些话语背后的意义与价值,进而提炼出“Care is some warm words.”的主题意义。可见,教师能基于文本的事实性信息设计深层问题,使学生的思考由表及里、由浅入深,进而为主题意义的探究服务。


教师还请学生结合自己的生活经验,尝试给Yang Ling一些温馨的建议。学生结合自身语言储备来巩固学习理解活动中的语言知识,既形成了新的知识结构并逐步将其内化并转化为能力,也提高了用英语解决问题的能力。

自主建构,深化主题意义在获取和梳理左半面Yang Ling上午向Miss Li电话请假的信息并形成结构化知识后,教师向学生呈现右半面Miss Li下午打电话询问Yang Ling身体状况的课文插图,让学生借助电话交流结构,同桌间猜测Miss Li打电话询问Yang Ling病情的对话并进行表演。部分小组学生展示后,教师抛出问题“Can Yang Ling go to school tomorrow?”,引导学生阅读右半面对话,寻找答案并核对猜测

Step 3 Post- reading


1. Think and summarize

How to make a phone call?

2. How to care for others?

Care is everywhere.

Sometimes care is some warm words.

Care is ...

Whats your idea?










In my opinion, care is look after ourselves.

How to care for ourselves?

We can...

We should take good care of ourselves so that we can get away from illness.


This is...speaking.

May I speak to...?



Care is staying with you.

Care is a telephone call.


S1: Care is a glass of warm water when someone is thirsty.

S2: Care is a sweater in winter.

S3: Care is Grandmas chicken soup.

S4: Care is an umbrella on a rainy day.



S1: Do some sport after school.

S2: Get up early every day.

S3: Go to bed early at night.

S4: Have fruit every day.










Step 4 Homework

1.Act the story in pairs.

2.Know how to make a phone call and care about others and yourselves.



